Live. Love. Laugh

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Two years.... I'm not quite sure where the time went. I still remember this day two years ago as if it happened yesterday. Somehow we found a way to move forward, but your memory has never left us. We move forward one day at a time. Still grieving. Still in shock. Sometimes in despair. Yet continue on we must, for that is what you would have wanted. So much has happened since you left us, and I find myself wishing more than ever that you were here to share some special moments with us.

The past year has been an incredible year for your family, one I'm so thankful that they've been blessed to have. God has been so good to us of late. Your sister was such a beautiful bride, stunning in her ivory white dress. I know you saw her and wished her peace and happiness on that October day. I felt you there. I saw you there. We all did. Thank you. Thank you for being there in the only way you could. We heard the waves stop for a brief moment as Danielle and Mark said their vows, and I saw the clouds part and the sun shine down as she made her entrance. It took me a moment to realize it was you giving them your blessing from up above. And with that the day really was complete and perfect.

Grandma turned 80, can you believe it!! I wasn't there for the party but boy do I wish I was, and I know you were missed there too. You always are. I think now more than ever we always seem to reflect on the fact that there was something there you would have loved. We miss your big smile brightening up the room. We miss your pride and admiration for the Lakers and your joy at each and every win. We miss your laugh. We miss you Travis. Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow. That will never change. We will continue to move forward because there is no way to go back. We try to learn from the hard lessons to make our futures a little easier and a little brighter, I know you would have wanted it that way. Sometimes it's hard, especially in those special moments. I wish you could be here to share and experience your beautiful sister's marriage and her soon to be born baby girl. You would be so proud of the strong woman she has become. We are all so excited for baby Madison to enter this world and I wish you were here to welcome her to life with us. Be comforted in the fact that while she may not know your physical presence she will know all about you. She'll see pictures and be told stories about the Travis we all knew and loved.

Two years.... I've spent countless hours reflecting on what has happened and thinking about you and your family, but no matter how much time I spend thinking, part of me will never understand why God took you so soon. It seems so unfair, a life taken at such a young and precious age. I am comforted in the fact that one day I too will be standing in God's glory and then and only then will I truly understand why things have unfolded the way that they have. Faith. In times of tragedy we turn to our faith, we dive deeper into our love and devotion for the Lord and we seek comfort in the fact that all this is somehow part of a bigger plan. God needed you, for whatever reason, more than we do. One day we will all meet again Travis, and until that day comes we will still look for you, in the stillness of the ocean and the rays of a setting sun.

May you forever rest in peace.
