Live. Love. Laugh

Monday, May 2, 2011

One and Only

Every once in a while, amidst a crazy, seemingly impossible world, love walks in and brings us a fairy-tale.

I had the most incredible weekend! Mark took me to meet his family (all 6 siblings and some some significant others, AND 4 day old baby Natalie!). It was a whirlwind of a day, but incredibly rewarding.

I am so blessed. I've found a man that loves me more than I could ever have imagined, someone who is a constant blessing, so genuine, so thoughtful, so caring. He pushes me to learn and grow, forcing me to challenge myself to become a better person. He is patient and understanding, he is incredibly handsome, and he is the best friend I could ever have asked for. If you asked me why he is perfect

for me I could go on and on and on and on, but to put it simply, he rocks me to my core.

What is most rewarding about our experiences together is not how every day brings us closer and closer together, but it is the little lessons we learn about each other and life along the way. It was so wonderful to walk into a house filled with so many people, a family united by love, respect, and admiration for one another. The smiles upon all their faces, the joy at time spent together, and the immediate love

and affection for the newest member of their family. More than that their willingness to embrace me and to welcome me into their home, especially during such a private and exciting moment.

One word: inspiring.

God, it seems, really does have a plan for everything. Mark challenges me in so many ways, but he is a great teacher. I can learn from him, and I want to.

I'll be the first to admit sometimes I am not the best sister or daughter. Family dynamics can be extremely difficult, and having spent 7 years of my young adult life away from home I often find it difficult to interact and relate, now that I am home. My siblings and I have a hard time walking the line of sibling rivalry and sibling love. Seeing this large group of brothers and sisters come together and to be so loving and supporting of one another further reinforces the fact that I want that kind of relationship too. I've often struggled with the fact of figuring out how to create that dynamic. Now, I have someone who can help show me, who can help me create that atmosphere. Something that is a gift far greater than anything material.

It is the gift to last a lifetime.

It is the gift of love.

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