Live. Love. Laugh

Monday, July 25, 2011

make me better

Last night I attended a fabulous dinner event with a few of my closest friends. As we sat around the table laughing, drinking goblets full of delicious wine, and feasting on fabulous fare, we shared stories, life lessons, and some good hearted fun. At one point a group of people were asked how they knew each other and what they enjoyed about the other so much. The response was so simple, yet so thoughtful and so true... simply, "she makes me better."

In relationships we are always looking for the person who catches our eye, the one who makes those little butterflies in your stomach erupt and flutter around like crazy. The person who makes you smile EVERY time you see them. The person who simply takes your breath away. These are all common signs of a bit of chemistry and meddling of the heart. But there has to be more, the "other" needs to push you to be better. For yourself. For them. For your family. For you friends. For everyone around you.

And why do we have to stop there? Shouldn't everyone we allow into our inner circle do that. Shouldn't we always want to be better? It seems to me that is the reason God placed us here on this earth, was so that we could brighten not only our own lives, but those of the people around us. It seems to me that if we can make our closest loved ones, friends, and family better and we can make the world a little bit better, then collectively the world might just become a better, nicer, and much more beautiful place.

~ T

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