Live. Love. Laugh

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gloomy Friday

Decide what makes you happy, then hold a yard sale for everything that doesn't.

~ Thanks for the Quote Megs :)

It's Friday and it is raining like you wouldn't believe.

Perfect night for:
~ Baking delicious treats
~ Girl talk with the rooms
~ Family dinner
~ Greys Anatomy/Private Practice episodes from last night
~ Snuggling on the couch (wish you were here MJL)
~ Fro Yo with my bff (hint hint J. Roth)
~ Sappy movies and popcorn
~ Fireplaces
~ Moscato

I can't wait for my weekend to begin, Mono and all!



1 comment:

Katarina said...

Me either! Love the rooms! Unforgettable times! What a great quote! Will have to use it someone. Moo doesn't like this weather either! She can't sun bathe! Poor girl! Gotta love her though! But perfect weather for cuddling! Oh I love moo when she cuddles!