Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Beyond the Bar

This one's for you SUGARRRRRRRR.

I've got this pretty awesome friend and she is about to ROCK the bar exam. I am just so darn proud of her!!!! I know these last few days will be nuts as the final preparations and studying unfold but Porter we are ALL here for you! And while I can't be there with you to celebrate post exam, I'll throw a few back for you here in spirit. I don't need to wait for some paper to arrive that says you're a good lawyer, you already are a damn good lawyer and an even better person.

So as the stress level rises and the freakout of OMG IM ABOUT TO TAKE THE BAR exam arrives, put your worry hat away. You, my dear, are nothing short of spectacular.

So rock that exam and show the world what all of us that love you to pieces already know... you're pretty amazing.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you Sugar!