Live. Love. Laugh

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Argentina Day 5 - City Tour and US Embassy

Not enough time to write and the internet here in Chile is sparse... but we arrived safe and sound Friday night here in Santiago. Below are some of my favorite pictures from a walk around Buenos Aires before we left. I have a few posts to update on our weekend here in Santiago as well as our first day of meetings (very full day) and other events... I will try to catch up when I can

A few of my favorite pictures from a walk around the city of BA....

The tomb of Evita

A picture of a crypt in BA

More tombs ( I was quite enthralled with these...)
A tree with really BIG roots
A walk in the park...

Plaza San Martin (Argentine equivalent to George Washington)

Jeaven and I enjoying our "last supper" monstrous breakfast at a local cafe... DELICIOUS!

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