Live. Love. Laugh

Monday, August 8, 2011

invest in yourself

In the world today we are surrounded by causes. Help end world hunger. Promote Peace. Buy cookies for the girl scouts, and give the boy scouts money for their box car races. Serve food at the homeless shelter. Walk 5 miles to help find a cure for breast cancer, alzheimers, cancer, leukemia. Be a big brother or a big sister.

The causes are all around us, and yes all of them are equally important. Do your part. Be socially aware and help those around you. Be generous, gracious, genuine, and sincere. One day it may be you needing that helping hand.

But don't forget to help yourself. Buy yourself that new pair of running shoes or the new bike that will get you up off the couch and out onto the pavement. Take the class you've been wanting to but just haven't seemed to find the time to. Take Sunday off, get out of the office, and go somewhere, for you.

I'm not saying to forget those around us or to neglect the needs of others, but what we have to stop doing is neglecting ourselves. Face it. You work hard. Give yourself a break! It's OK. The to-do list and the pile sitting on your desk, it will still be there. But your health, your happiness, your well being, that can fade away far too quickly and is much more difficult to get back on track. Take the time to invest in yourself for your future and the future of those around you.

I promise you, it is one investment that is guaranteed to reap a large reward.



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