Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Most of you who read this blog send me little notes from time to time saying how something I wrote moved you, made you smile, brightened your day, or maybe made you laugh. I always smile reading these notes knowing that even as small as it may be, that somehow I've made a positive impact on those around me.

Sometimes I get asked how I am always so positive and so happy, I guess people wonder if things ever get me upset.

I am human. Of course things make me sad, or mad, or depressed, sometimes sick, occasionally really angry. I am not happy and positive 100% of the time....


When I was little my Daddy would always say to me, "is the glass half empty or is it half full?"

I know it may sound a bit cliche but the fact of the matter is, I truly believe that most of what happens in our lives is a direct reflection of our outlook and our attitude about life. Nobody's life is perfect, mine sure is far from it. I work way too much. I spend very little time on me. Bad things happen around me everyday. The world seems to be getting darker and darker. But, every moment of every day I have a choice (and so do you). I can look at all this negativity around me and let it creep inside my veins, or I can choose to recognize the positives around me, no matter how small they may be. I choose (most of the time) to focus on the good things, that killer workout at the gym, even if it was short. Or running around the soccer field, even if my team looses. Or the one customer that walks out of my restaurant smiling ear to ear because something we did just made their day. Those little moments of magic make up for all the bad ones, and those are the moments I choose to focus on.


That's all it boils down to. You either have a positive one, or you don't. It's not about where we are at in life, or the paths we had bestowed upon us. It's not about our income levels. It's not about where we live or what we drive. It's not about the money in the bank accounts. Perspective is about you and it comes only from within. It is not what happens to you, but how you choose to view and react to life.

Perspective. I choose to have a positive, upbeat, and happy one. And I'm certain its far better than the alternative.

Think about it. Perspective. What's yours?


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