Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


To the best friend a girl could ask for...

It certainly didn't take us long to develop a friendship (something about running extra wind-sprints every night at practice till you're lips turns blue bonds a friendship quickly)... and that friendship continues to grow as we get older. My oldest and best friend, someone I can ALWAYS turn to. A shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen to, a comfort in dark and sad times, a light amidst occasional darkness. I am blessed to have a wonderful best friend. For all the late night phone calls discussing life, heartache, love, boys, you name it... she's been there for me always and I know she always will. True friends, the ones that last a lifetime are hard to find these days, but I know I have one in you. So thank you, for your continual devotion to making our friendship a priority, for being the strong and wonderful woman you are today, and for brightening the lives of everyone you encounter. I can tell you this: the world is a better place because you are in it.

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