Live. Love. Laugh

Friday, July 16, 2010

If we die young...

It's been a rough year... Too many have left this earth to join God in Heaven far too soon. I have had friends loose parents, brothers, sisters, and lovers. What surprises me is the number of people that have gone far too young. God seems to be taking them early these days. It pains me to know the heartache and suffering my friends are going through, I'd give anything to take it all away from them. I'd bear it all on my shoulders if only to give them a few moments of peace. Despite that grief, anger, and frustration at the loss they feel, I am continually amazed at the strength they all display. Death is one of the hardest things to comprehend, to understand. To wake up one day and realize you will never see your loved one again, you'll never get to see the flash of their smile, the warmth of their embrace, or the joy in their laughter. It is sad, unbearably, heart-wrenchingly sad. But one thing that can never be taken from us are our memories, for they are ours, locked tight in the treasure chest of our hearts. We will never forget those who have left us, for a part of them remains always... in a rainbow that rises on spring day, in the whisper of a cool morning wind brushing across your cheek, in the joy of our favorite sports team winning the big game, and in the fondest memories we hold close in our hearts. Their spirits are all around us, whispering messages of love. We will never forget them, we will always love them, and they will forever be a part of us. So dear friends, stay strong even in the midst of these tragic times, for your strength of character and spirit lifts us all up, more than you know.

This particular song was written for Lauren Failla, the girlfriend of a dear friend who was tragically killed while vacationing. While this is dedicated to her, I am sending it on to all of you, because we all can relate to the feeling that something is missing, you... our loved ones... our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, the lovers, the friends... to all of you who have left this earth and taken a part of our hearts with you. We love you, we miss you, but keep shining down on us from Heaven.

"Song for Lauren" ~ Blaire Reinhard Band

Windy evening, all the sky is aglow
From a moon I never knew
She burns so beautifully that it aches in me
Cause the only thing missing is you

Woke in the morning with the sun on fire
She was smiling like new
And the world is as green as its ever been
But the only thing missing is you

When the light pours through the shadows
When the bird sings through the storm
When we love without hesitation
The way you showed us how

When we throw our fears out to the endless sea
When we dance as freely as a child
When we gather here in our joy and in our tears
We'll always be thinking of you

Shine on us from Heaven as you did in life
And we'll try to understand
why the Lord must need you even more than we do
The only thing He was missing was you

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