Live. Love. Laugh

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Game Day!! Soccer World FC @ Santa Clara and @ Merced... Two wins bring us to nationals in two weeks... lets do this ladies!

The issue of being courageous is important to consider, whether one is looking forward (before the action and results have occurred), or whether one is looking backward (after the action is taken and the results become obvious). Before we choose "courage" we must consider the reality of obtaining the desired outcome from our efforts. Essentially, can we do this? If it were guaranteed that our passion and intensity could not provide any of the desired outcomes, then the reasons for choosing to play with courage might be a choice of foolishness or blindness. In considering the option of us, teammates, friends, choosing to be courageous, part of the consideration must include a weighing of the certain to probable to possible to unlikely costs and benefits of a particular choice. If we really do this right we will win this game! Without such consideration, the choice of courage is not a choice of courage. To do it right is a total effort from staff to all players. It means scrapping, clawing, crawling because for this night this moment, you don't need to hear "work harder," "pick it up," "give it everything!" You will personify hard work, enthusiasm, and the fulfillment f potential. You will bring out the best in each other and realize at the end of the day its all about doing it because you can do it -nothing more - Not because you have to, but because you choose to. In the end, the decision is all or nothing, but it remains your choice, and yours alone. If we choose to be courageous, the fact that we choose courage does not change as a result of the outcome. courage exists independently of the outcome, regardless of the result. We can look back at any point, at any time in our life and know that we did it with passion. We did it with enthusiasm. we did it for opportunity. WE did it with energy. W did it because we are capable. We did it right. But most of all.... we did it with Courage!

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