Live. Love. Laugh

Saturday, September 4, 2010

TJPC... 9.4.09

Some posts come easy, some are harder to write - this is one of the latter.

It is hard to believe it has been a year since you left us, a young spirit taken from us far too soon. Death is difficult to understand, to accept, to come to terms with... especially when the good die young. As we grow up we are aware that one day we will have to say goodbye to our grandparents and parents, as our elders will surely pass before us. We expect to loose friends and loved ones, but at a much later age, having plenty of time to experience marriages, children, and grandchildren. But we never are prepared to lose our loved ones at such an early and precious age.

Today my heart goes out to your beautiful sister, my oldest and best friend. We speak of you often and I know she loves you so much. I remember all the times the three of us spent together when we were younger, "pal'ing" around the neighborhood, playing basketball in the pool, and hanging out. I remember riding in your moms mini van, you or Danielle in the front seat, and the rest of us piled in the back, talking, laughing, telling jokes. I remember all the times I played intermediary between the sibling rivalry... I wish that I had the chance to tell you how much Danielle adored you, we chatted about you often and she always told me the good things you were doing. She was proud of you and she loves you very much. Today my heart goes out to your mother, such a radiant woman. My mom #2 she had an unfailing love for you, she still does. She was and always will be your number 1 fan. I can only imagine her grief at losing you, no parent should ever have to bury a child, it is just not fair. Today my heart goes out to your Dad, your buddy, your friend.

I think about you often, sometimes wondering if there was a way that this tragedy could have been avoided. It is easy to consider all the "what-if" possibilities that could have prevented the final outcome, but the harsh reality of life is that there are no real what if occurrences, for you are gone. What gives me hope is knowing that while your physical presence on earth is gone, you will forever remain here in spirit. In the roar of a loud and vibrant Lakers crowd we feel your presence. In the swish of the game winning 3-pointer we see your smile. The truth is you are all around us. You're in the glow of a setting sun and in the radiant light of a whimsical rainbow. You're in the photos we have around our houses. You're in the fondest memories of our hearts. I hope you know we all love you, and we always will. We'll think of you often and wish you could be there to share special moments. In our sad times we cry, because the truth is we miss you more and more everyday, and in our stronger moments we smile knowing you are walking hand in hand with God.

I don't know why he took you from us so soon in life, though I am sure there was some special need. That's the thing about faith, it's understanding and believing that while we don't always know why God does the things he does, we believe they serve a purpose far greater than one we could ever have conceived.

So today Travis is for you, our brother, our friend, our son, and grandson... we miss you everyday and we will always love you. May you forever rest in peace.

<3 T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks you....
Dad II