Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Nobody is perfect. As humans we are all fallible. We make mistakes. We act inappropriately. Sometimes we are rude when we are frustrated or upset. We take a bad day or an unfortunate incident out on those around us. This is a simple fact of life. We all have acted in this manner at some point or another for whatever the reason, or for no reason at all except we were just "in a mood."

This morning I had a good reminder of just how ugly that kind of behavior makes us look. A woman came through all in a huff and no matter how big I smiled, tried to please her, or how many times I said "have a great day" she just wasn't going to have it. As she drove off in a furry and a huff I started thinking about letting moments like that define our character. This woman was aesthetically quite attractive. I'd say in her late twenties to early thirties she dressed nicely and looked presentable. But while her physical appearance might be "attractive" her behavior made her quite the opposite, she was just plain ugly. Literally and figuratively. It makes me wonder how often do others perceive us in this manner? And when those around us, our friends, family, and loved ones, are behaving in such a negative fashion do we tell them about it? Do we try and help each other grow as individuals and force each other to be better people... to make those ugly negative moments happen less and less.

Nobody is perfect, this is quite true. I know for a fact that I let bad days at work, low blood sugar, or unfortunate circumstances get me down every now and then, and I know there are situations in my recent past where I probably was perceived by others in the same manner as i perceived this woman today. Shame on me. I am not perfect but I try to be. I am glad this woman came through in her ferocious fashion today because it was a good reminder for me to try really hard NOT to act like that. The truth is I hope people never see me in such an ugly light... and to all my blog readers out there, if you ever do see me behave like this, remind me of this woman and of this post. Life is too short to waste precious moments being mad at the world for God knows what (and it is probably nothing at all) and to take it out on those around you. There are too many wonderful bright and shining people out there waiting to fall in love with your smile... don't let them pass you by because you choose to have a bad attitude. Attitude after all is a choice, and it is yours to make. You choose your reaction to every situation life has to offer you, and while every circumstance certainly doesn't deserve a super happy positive attitude, there are no situations in life with which you should behave that badly.

Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, I know I do... but once I know I've made them, I try to learn from them, correct that behavior, and apologize for the damage that resulted from it.

<3 T

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