Live. Love. Laugh

Friday, October 1, 2010

"The quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the types of relationships you choose to build. Relationships can help or hinder you. They will help you endure distractions on your journey, or they can be distractions." Lorber

As I think about this and the relationships I have around me, professional, personal, friends, family.... I am pleased with the decisions I've made on who to surround myself with. I am lucky to have a plethora of love, wisdom, guidance, and friendship in my life. I have friends, near and far, who are always there for me. I have close relationships and mentorships with people who provide endless amounts of wisdom and guidance just because they enjoy helping me grow and develop. I think in life it is often easy to get caught up in the quantity of people around us. It is easier to have a hundred acquaintances around us so that we always have an event or outing to attend. The truth is that often leads to many meaningless relationships whereby we have few to really rely on. In my opinion it is an undeniable fact that we just can't do life alone. I shouldn't say can't, because we can do anything. But why? Life is so much better when enjoyed with others, with friends and family. Surround yourself with people who love you, who support you, and who will be there for you no matter what. Fill your life with a few strong relationships and you have foundation for a wonderful life. Trust and be trustworthy. Give and receive. Allow yourself to be loved and love deeply in return.

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