Live. Love. Laugh

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I. Am. An. Athlete.

As an athlete I've spent my life cultivating the aura of being invincible. I spent most of my younger years chasing crazy dreams of being the worlds greatest. I've spent an immeasurable amount of hours on the practice field, in the gym, running, and lifting. My early life chasing my dreams shaped me into one defined by hard work, perseverance, dedication, and the inability to ever give up. As I have grown older I have slowly come to the realization that my dream was unattainable. Needless to say this has been a difficult insight to grasp and I spent a long time fighting off that notion with every ounce of energy I had. At some point I came to terms with my fate. I realized that I was in fact fallible, I was not invincible, and that no matter how much I loved sport that it could no longer define my existence. Yet despite the fact that I am now far past my prime, as a lover of sport there will always be a thrill of competition that defines me. I love nothing more than an intense match. In those moments I have glimpses of my past, of playing night games under the lights, listening to the national anthem before the whistle to start the game. Sure these games now mean nothing and are marked more by the festivities that take place after than the actual events that take place during them.

But I tell you this... no matter how far removed I am from my prime, no matter how insignificant the games that I play in now, there is still no greater satisfaction for a lover of sport than completing the perfect play that brings memories of the past. Sure those moments are now few and far between, but still there is nothing sweeter than ripping a side volley upper 90, smiling, and saying "I still got it!"

Let's face it. I am an athlete. And always will be.

<3 TC

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