Live. Love. Laugh

Thursday, October 28, 2010


For my best friend on her wedding day:

Danielle and I have known each other since we were 13, she’s my oldest and best friend. It didn’t take long for our friendship to form. We met on the soccer field in 7th grade as we both were newcomers to a big local soccer team. I remember two things about meeting Danielle, 1) have you seen those thumbs!!! And 2) what an infectious smile. I’ll never forget that first practice, for that is when our friendship was born. It didn’t take long for Danielle and I to realize we had a lot in common, after all it was just the two of left sprinting extra 120 yard windsprints after practice. Nothing like “get on the line” to make you feel welcome to the new team. Danielle and my bond grew fast, much like our sprints, and I’m certain all those extra hours of sweat, tears, and countless running drills laid a solid foundation for the friendship that remains today.

When I think back about all my fond memories growing up, most of them were with her. There was picture day for the soccer team on a Sunday morning after freshman year homecoming… Danielle and I chose to go in our “up-do’s” as it added a bit of height to our stature. Then there was our sweet 16’s. I’ll never forget Danielle’s. Ron and Christy surprised Danielle with her first car, a silver Ford Focus. We drove that thing all over tarnation the first weekend, and I’ll certainly never forget returning it late Sunday night with 300 new miles on the car and seeing her parents exasperated faces. I believe the exact words they said were “just where did you go for 300 miles?”…. and Danielle’s (like any teenager) response was “we were just cruisin’…” As we’ve grown older Danielle and I have remained close spending holiday’s with each others’ families, planning vacations together, and continuing to grow in our friendship. Danielle you told me once that you look up to me, that you can always come to me as a source of wisdom and guidance. Well, D, I’ve left it for today to tell you this, it is not you who looks up to me, but me to you. I am proud of the woman that you’ve become and more than anything I am proud to call you, my very best friend.

Danielle I have known you for what seems like forever. I have seen your ups and your downs. I have watched your heart break, and through all of the bumps life has challenged you with I’ve seen you stand tall and strong. You are a beautiful woman, one who is dedicated, passionate, warm hearted and gentle. You are kind, tenacious, sometimes ferocious, but always sincere. Your personality is bright and bubbly and your enthusiasm for all of life’s adventures is both infectious and inspiring. I am so proud of you for waiting to find someone as equally as special as you are. Someone who shares that same thirst for life, love, and adventure. A man that will stand beside you as your equal, all the while challenging you to continue to grow as a person. I know that you have found this in mark. Mark, your vivacious spirit encourages others to relish in life and its endless possibilities. You are supporting, genuine, passionate, and sincere. I know that you will be a wonderful husband and friend to Danielle in your life together. There have been so many good moments that I have had the pleasure of sharing with Danielle and her family, and over the years our friendship has grown so strong that we’ve become family. So I feel it is only fitting for me to say to you Mark, welcome to the family, as well.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say how happy and proud of you we all are. It didn’t take me long to realize the special bond the two of you have, I saw it immediately and it is one that can only be found in a pair of soul mates… two people destined to be together, two pieces of a puzzle that have finally found their home.

There is no doubt in my mind that the two of you were destined to be together. The bright sparkle that you two have in your eyes for each other fills the world around you with hope. I know you have both waited a long time to find that special someone to share the rest of your life with… your best friend, your companion, your shoulder to lean on, someone to come home to, the person you’ll grow old with, and the person you’ll create a family with…

So everyone lets raise our glasses. For Danielle and Mark. I hope many years from now as you sit back and reflect on this moment you realize a few things. I hope you know there is no one story or one speech that you can write that can ever possibly explain how much your love has changed your life, and how very lucky you are that you chose each other to be your best friend forever. May your life together be filled with love and laughter.
Congratulations, you’ve done it. The long wait is over. Enjoy this special time in your life. Live each day to its fullest, appreciate the other. Relish the love that you have, and never take it for grjavascript:void(0)anted.
Love with your whole heart and live the most extraordinary life together.

I love you both, congratulations.

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