Live. Love. Laugh

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Mentor

I am privileged to have a mentor both in business and life. I've accumulated quite the list of some of his "excerpts". Some may call them blurbs. Some may think they are ridiculous. John himself would call them intellectual thoughts from the Messiah (yes he does refer to himself as this) as he jaunts around the country tearing apart failing companies. The LA Times has referred to him as "The Grave Dancer." You'd think this would annoy him, nope, he relishes it jokingly stating that he will sell everything from one of these fruitless company's, right down to the paperclips, smash the cockroaches in the buildings and write them off as livestock. Some people are born to do what they do, this is quite certainly the case with Mr. Kercheval. He is outspoken, witty, full of wisdom, demanding, and rightfully arrogant. A book titled "War" is the bible of his office with massive granite entrances and a huge silver vulture intimidating any newcomer. Try googling him, you won't find too much, a but about the Vulture Fund but that is about it. He's oddly secretive and deceptive, exceptionally saavy, rather opinionated, extremely intimidating (wait, maybe those are the armored cars and blue corps body guards) but there is something about the wise man that keeps you coming back for more.

I hope you enjoy a few of these and they make you stop and think. Either way, I thought I'd share some of them with you. The little bugger even posts jolts at his favorite mentorees on his board, what a pip!


And hey, JK, THANKS!

FREEDOM BEGINS WITH THE WORD "NO" (Century City): One of my favorite quotes. NO to rule under the British crown, NO to more taxes, NO to (Con) salesmen selling junk, NO to needless regulation, NO to cops writing bogus tickets. JUST SAY NO and fight it. Whatever "IT" is you owe it to yourself, to society. Start with "NO" and work backwards to "YES" not the other way around.

CHARISMA (MN): is a presence that excites us. It is an INNER quality-self confidence, sexual energy, sense of purpose, contentment, articulation- that which most people lack but want. This radiates outward in thought, word and deed. Those with it can seduce masses on a grand scale. Maybe you have it, or can learn it, or neither.If none, well, the world needs ditch-diggers too.

ELEVATE YOURSELF ABOVE THE MASSES (Minneapolis, MN): Realize that all of life exists on a plane below you. The trials, the strife even the victories. Let those OF the world, not IN the world get phased by the hardships. In the Grand Strategy you will do better by taking the eagle's view of things and acting accordingly.

THE MAIN DYSFUNCTION PEOPLE HAVE (Century City, CA): is this foolish belief that life/fame/money/love are some kind of mystical, sacred, magical realm where things just fall into place. This is romantic and quaint but just a cover for laziness and lack of introspection. BE PROACTIVE, TAKE LIFE SERIOUSLY, put together a written life plan. Let that be your 2011 Paradigm Shift.

A NEAR SKIRMISH AT THE ARCELOR CLOSING (Detroit): We had some blue collar workers (who, when assembled together, look like a herd of moose) come at us. The security guys scared them off (Rock, Paper, Scissors.. 3 guys with Mac-10 Automatic weapons- we win!) but yet another try. Will just make me happier when I push that plunger to drop the buildings next month. I love this job, this is so exciting!

DEAR TARA CALDWELL (4 AM, Tues Feb 15th, Chicago, IL): Well I took quite a
beating on my own board from you yesterday over not sending Valentine's day flowers etc. Tell me do you have anything you would like to add to the myriad of posts below? Also how does "eating THAT MUCH crow" actually taste? I've never had to do it before

WHY ARE FLOWERS SO EXPENSIVE? (Boston, MA): Well I'm in Beantown getting ready for a day of paying off investors and buying flowers for my Valentines (yes, plural). They cost so much I may as well just send a bouquet of money! Why do they cost so much? Because guys like me actually pay it. There is a simple but potent business lesson for you.

THE VULTURE FUND IS LIKE THE BULL IN THE CHINA SHOP (Century City): We plan on getting a company decimated, and we are going to take everybody with us who wants to play, and run over with a steamroller everybody who resists change with our foot firmly planted on the accelerator. Change is what LIFE is all about Learn it fast and early.Change is the definition, literallythe definition of the future.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS HIT THE "HOT BUTTONS" (Century City): I can't stand listening in on earnings calls with Wall Steet Analysts and corp. execs. The execs says "We did Sh*tty" and the analysts always say "well that sets you up for a better next quarter. Are you kidding me? Bad is Bad, no two ways about it. Look for the signs, it cannot be good and bad at the same time. Look for "The Big Lie, question everything."

THE MESSIANIC PERSONALITY(Century City): Most of us comprimidse constantlky to survive, Messiahs do not. They live out their ideals WITHOUT CARING about the consequences. Take it from me, this is hard. You get banged up a lot , lose battles but win in the end- The Grand Strategy. Victory in the end is what counts.Leading from the front with a strong battle plan is hard, but we can do it.

BY THE TIME I'M FINISHED EVISCERATING THIS COMPANY, THE ONLY WAY TO IDENTIFY THE REMAINS IS VIA DENTAL RECORDS (Minneapolis, MN): A rare Winter Vulture Deal. (White Vulture Pic to follow) we are even taking down the buildings themselves in MI, leaving raw land, and selling them for scrap. G*D I love this job. Contact the Michigan Devel. Corp. if you want to build here. Plenty of room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post & thanks.

Two corrections:

1) It is "Professor" not "Mr."

2) And the last time I googled My full name I got about 4,500 hits.