Live. Love. Laugh

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello World

The life of a FIT girl... 5 am wakeup to go on a grueling 12.5 mile mountain bike ride around a portion of Folsom Lake. The views were absolutely incredible and definitely worth sacrificing some sleep. This was only the 2nd time I've been mountain biking and I'd forgotten why I enjoy it so much... sure there is the rush of speeding down a downhill section, but the exertion on steep uphill climbs sends adrenaline pumping through my veins. It's tough, yet addicting. Plus I enjoy the few stops to overlook the scenery... we're climbing mountains, its always breathtaking.

Want perspective? Nothing like a crisp cool morning breeze, deep blue waters, and quiet moments of thought and reflection to give one perspective. My life, it's pretty brilliant, but that's because I make it that way. How about you? Stop waiting for the world to make you happy, for some magical force to change you... Change yourself. You want happiness... Fuel your body the right way. Eat right, stay fit, nourish your spirit, surround yourself with positivity hope and light.... Your life is what you choose to define it with and how you choose to live it. Let it be right, let it be fit, let it be healthy, but most of all, let it be good.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bette Davis

There comes a time in every womans life where the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne ~ Bette Davis

It's 3:56 on Sunday afternoon, I've been sitting in class for 7 hours. Yes, I said 7. And not just any class, but managerial accounting... now I love numbers, and accounting isn't that bad, but 8 hours of this... no wonder all I can think about is going home, curling up on the couch and pouring a glass (scratch that, a few glasses) of some bubbly...

Life, its pretty good. <3

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Proud to be an American

Today marked one of the greatest moments in US Soccer history. In the 91st minute Landon Donovan put in the game winner to send the USMNT through to the next round of the World Cup. Not only did they go through, but for the first time, we won our group! Millions of Americans sat on the edge of there seats, begging, pleading, willing something magical to happen... and then, it did. I shed a few tears of joy. Now, you may think that is a bit silly, it is a sporting event... but I argue it is so much more.

The World Cup is the most recognized sporting event in the world after the Olympics. The players aren't just playing in a game, they wear their country's colors, acting as representatives of great nations. To me supporting your country in an event like this is arguably just as important as standing behind your country in times of need or conquest. You don't have to be an avid soccer fan to have a sense of pride in what the USA has accomplished. There are 23 men wearing our country's great colors, swaying to the beat of the national anthem as it is played before the games, representing what this great nation stands for... perseverance, determination, and certainly, hard work. When the going gets tough... America get's going. And thats just what the Yanks did. Amidst another dreadful call (seriously, these refs are looking worse than the entire Obama administration - hard to imagine I'd ever say anything could be worse than that.) we dug in our heels, and we worked, and we worked, and we worked... and then we scored. Pfew.

Last week I commented about how Americans, those who live in America and take advantage of the prosperity, capitalism, land of opportunity... those who come here from other country's to be a part of this great nation, SHOULD root for the USA. A lot of people took offense to it. I understand that we all have our heritage, we all came from somewhere other than America... but now we are AMERICAN. We should be proud of that. We should hold our heads high when people speak of this nation. And when our country is represented in a great sporting event we should cheer on the men and women there who are representing us.

For those who were so upset by my post regarding WHY you root for your country. I hope now you understand. Moments like this don't come often... Pure elation, joy, and pride. Standing behind the men wearin our countries colors. A community coming together to support one another. You're American, hold you head high, I am!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Amidst all of the challenges and uncertainties life brings we are faced with choices...

~ Are you going to quit, or persevere?
~ Are you going to be defeated, or are you going to conquer the world?
~ Are you going to be weak, or strong?

Life is all about the attitude and perspective you choose to face it with.

Be strong.
Be persistent.
Be passionate.
Be free.
Be you.

But most of all, BE HAPPY.

Why waste your time being anything else?

Monday, June 14, 2010

crazy flux of emotions.

rationalizing the irrational.
explaining the unexplainable.
trusting the inexplicable.
excusing the unforgivable.
cherishing the unforgetable....

the fact of the matter is, LIFE is what you make of it. its how you choose to view it. and its the moments where you admit your a passenger in the car of a Great plan, one moment driving atop mountain peaks, another feeling the rush of a cool ocean breeze upon your cheek.

life... its madness, but its yours. live it to the fullest. but most importantly, enjoy every blessed second of it.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Free. At. Last

Spring Quarter 2010 came to a close at 6:42 pm tonight, precisely 40 minutes after the start of my Marketing Management final. 9 short answer questions and 25% of my grade later I graciously said goodbye to the toughest quarter yet.

There is a quick turnaround as Summer Quarter begins on Monday. Go figure I have something due both Monday and Wednesday in my Productions and Operations Management class and a quiz in Managerial Accounting next Sunday (also the first class).

Hey GSM, thanks for the 72 hours of freedom, NOT.

I've got to buckle back down and put my nose in the books this weekend, but thats fine. Just having this quarter behind me feels like a million pounds has been lifted off my back. Grades are starting to trickle in so I hope too much damage hasn't been done on the GPA.

Now I'm off to bed, lots going on this weekend... the start of the World Cup!!!, working Super Saturday, Soccer World FC semi pro game Saturday, a day trip to Napa with the dream team on Sunday all capped off with ladies dinner night (celebrating Chandara's bday) in the city on Sunday night.

P.S. To all who've supported me over the past few helacious months, THANK YOU. It's been a tough and rocky road, but I made it out alive, stronger, and I'm better for it.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm back...

So it has been a while since I have blogged... there has been a lot going on!

~ first and foremost I got extremely overloaded with school... had way too much fun the first few weeks of the quarter and spent the last 5 playing catchup and cursing myself for the hole I dug myself into. After a few 20 hour + weekends of schoolwork I am finally almost caught up. Tomorrow and Thursday I have big presentations, then two finals next week, and then... FREE AT LAST. Well not really, as summer quarter starts the following Monday so I'll be back on the HW train pretty much immediately.

~ secondly I was planning my best friends bachelorette in Vegas... what an adventure that weekend was, there will be ensuing posts and pictures in the weeks to come.

~thirdly... I spent a lot of time on ME. I vegged out, ate terribly unhealthy foods in large quantities, skipped the gym, drank lots of wine, tried to go out and make new friends, etc. I've made some new wonderful friends and I'm really thankful to have them in my life now. I finally feel as if my world here is starting to come together, I must say, it's been a tough road, but I think I've come pretty far!

~ fourth... I got sick, go figure. A trip to the hospital with a bad parasite from Mexico. Strep throat. And now I'm on to bronchitis. Tis the season!

~ fifth... a new development in my life for which hopefully I will be blogging a lot about in the near future... that's all I will say for now, don't want to jinx anything :)

Well class is over, so that is all for now folks and let me just end on this... I AM SO FRICKIN HAPPY TO BE DONE WITH FINANCE (well except for the final exam, I'll be holed up for the entire weekend trying to learn a semesters worth of finance in 3 days, nothing is impossible, right?)....TO all my readers, I'm sorry I've gone radio silent! but I'm back and better than ever!
