Live. Love. Laugh

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Proud to be an American

Today marked one of the greatest moments in US Soccer history. In the 91st minute Landon Donovan put in the game winner to send the USMNT through to the next round of the World Cup. Not only did they go through, but for the first time, we won our group! Millions of Americans sat on the edge of there seats, begging, pleading, willing something magical to happen... and then, it did. I shed a few tears of joy. Now, you may think that is a bit silly, it is a sporting event... but I argue it is so much more.

The World Cup is the most recognized sporting event in the world after the Olympics. The players aren't just playing in a game, they wear their country's colors, acting as representatives of great nations. To me supporting your country in an event like this is arguably just as important as standing behind your country in times of need or conquest. You don't have to be an avid soccer fan to have a sense of pride in what the USA has accomplished. There are 23 men wearing our country's great colors, swaying to the beat of the national anthem as it is played before the games, representing what this great nation stands for... perseverance, determination, and certainly, hard work. When the going gets tough... America get's going. And thats just what the Yanks did. Amidst another dreadful call (seriously, these refs are looking worse than the entire Obama administration - hard to imagine I'd ever say anything could be worse than that.) we dug in our heels, and we worked, and we worked, and we worked... and then we scored. Pfew.

Last week I commented about how Americans, those who live in America and take advantage of the prosperity, capitalism, land of opportunity... those who come here from other country's to be a part of this great nation, SHOULD root for the USA. A lot of people took offense to it. I understand that we all have our heritage, we all came from somewhere other than America... but now we are AMERICAN. We should be proud of that. We should hold our heads high when people speak of this nation. And when our country is represented in a great sporting event we should cheer on the men and women there who are representing us.

For those who were so upset by my post regarding WHY you root for your country. I hope now you understand. Moments like this don't come often... Pure elation, joy, and pride. Standing behind the men wearin our countries colors. A community coming together to support one another. You're American, hold you head high, I am!

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