Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm back...

So it has been a while since I have blogged... there has been a lot going on!

~ first and foremost I got extremely overloaded with school... had way too much fun the first few weeks of the quarter and spent the last 5 playing catchup and cursing myself for the hole I dug myself into. After a few 20 hour + weekends of schoolwork I am finally almost caught up. Tomorrow and Thursday I have big presentations, then two finals next week, and then... FREE AT LAST. Well not really, as summer quarter starts the following Monday so I'll be back on the HW train pretty much immediately.

~ secondly I was planning my best friends bachelorette in Vegas... what an adventure that weekend was, there will be ensuing posts and pictures in the weeks to come.

~thirdly... I spent a lot of time on ME. I vegged out, ate terribly unhealthy foods in large quantities, skipped the gym, drank lots of wine, tried to go out and make new friends, etc. I've made some new wonderful friends and I'm really thankful to have them in my life now. I finally feel as if my world here is starting to come together, I must say, it's been a tough road, but I think I've come pretty far!

~ fourth... I got sick, go figure. A trip to the hospital with a bad parasite from Mexico. Strep throat. And now I'm on to bronchitis. Tis the season!

~ fifth... a new development in my life for which hopefully I will be blogging a lot about in the near future... that's all I will say for now, don't want to jinx anything :)

Well class is over, so that is all for now folks and let me just end on this... I AM SO FRICKIN HAPPY TO BE DONE WITH FINANCE (well except for the final exam, I'll be holed up for the entire weekend trying to learn a semesters worth of finance in 3 days, nothing is impossible, right?)....TO all my readers, I'm sorry I've gone radio silent! but I'm back and better than ever!



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