Live. Love. Laugh

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Choices are Yours

I'm reading a book right now, I was quite skeptical at first but as I read the contents I am amazed at how much I am connecting to its major themes. Based on the many conversations I've had with a lot of my friends and blog readers over the last few months I know that this is something you all can relate to as well....

Who am I and what do I want? Seems like a pretty easy question to answer, but really is it? I bet if you take the time to sit down and truly think about it it might be a bit more difficult to answer than you think. Most of us are struggling to define who we are professionally and personally, we are tied down to jobs that we feel we just can't give up because we are so lucky to have them. We are afraid to venture into a new arena because that opens the doors to a real of unknowns, of what ifs, and the possibility that things may not turn out as we hoped. Instead we stay where we are, at a complacent point in our life, while the important things around us whittle away or take a back seat to our careers.

As Lorber says, "On the journey to success and happiness in life, it is easy to become frustrated at the inevitable crossroads and detours. Some people give up before they get started; others become discouraged when the journey becomes difficult or complex; still others grow excited by the challenges. Some men and women pass by every opportunity that comes their way because they don't see the inherent possibilities... Is life that complicated? Our answer is no, it is not complicated, but life does require making choices. YOu can choose the path you take in life, but only you can make the choices to take you there."

I often speak of the fact that our happiness in life is what we choose to make of it. If we want our life to be wonderful (and really, why should it be anything else?) then WE must take the steps to make it that way, and we should start within ourselves. For if we do not view ourselves as wonderful how can we love our life for being wonderful?

Just some questions to ponder:

If I could make a change and be assured of succeeding, how would my life be different form the life I am living right now?

During the past year which work related activities did I enjoy most? Why? Which family related activities? Why? Which personal activities? Why?

Which action, if I did it immediately, would have the greatest positive effect on my life?

Who are YOU? And What do YOU want?

Not so easy to answer, is it?

<3 T


Unknown said...

As I have grown older, and presumably wiser, what is discovered is that if I make decisions about my life and I try to do this on my terms, that inevitably the path will criss-cross, scatter and disappear ending in frustration because I tried to do it my way. The wiser choice, is to choose God, pray about where your desires and heart are leading you and HE will guide you to the right decision. You cannot go wrong.
As we have learned in our family, trying to control outcomes on our terms, does not work. Only turning to God can you be assured.
Its not our will, its God's will....

Anonymous said...

Without change, something dies a little bit more every day in our lives.

Professor John Kercheval