Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Customer Complaint Gone Wrong.

It's safe to say that you just can't please everyone in life... I was reminded of that this morning... and well, in the spirit of embracing lifes madness with a smile, I thought of this. Yes, it is true, things can ALWAYS get worse!

from an August post:

It's safe to say you just can't please everyone in our business. No matter what you do to try and "make it right" sometimes it just isn't good enough. I have seen and heard more ridiculous customer complaints than I can even begin to tell. This reaction by this customer tops them all. I am trying to figure out how to get it on YouTube (you've just GOT to hear the actual voice to believe it), if anyone knows how, let me know! For now a transcription of his phone call will have to do.

This customer (affectionately known as Doug) was unsatisfied with his experience at one of our stores. He called the 1-800 line who contacted me and I passed along his information and complaint to the proper people (happens to be my brother). Zack contacts this customer, gives him a free meal and an apology. Well Doug is mad because Zack called his work number to talk to him.... apparently Doug FORGOT he GAVE us that number to reach him at. How else would we have found it? He was not happy about us calling his work number so he called the 1-800 number AGAIN to complain stating that how dare we contact him at work? (well sir, for starters leave a different contact number!) Zack calls again to explain to the customer that he gave us this number and it was the only way to reach him, again apologizes and tries to make it right. Doug is not happy, now we have called twice! (again, I say, LEAVE A DIFFERENT CONTACT NUMBER, seems easy enough right?).... So Doug and Zack have some phone tag regarding the calling of the work issue and finally Doug

leaves this message on the restaurants answering machine: (parental advisory, please pardon the profanity, this is not suitable for children under the age of 18... or anyone for that matter)

" this here's Dougie and I'm just calling to let you know that I'm gonna hide in the bushes outside your house, or I might hide in the bushes outside your job, or i might be hiding in the bushes at the fucking McDonalds. But I'm gonna be hiding in the bushes somewhere. And I'm gonna catch you by yourself and I'm gonna be butt ass naked with a chicken mask on, and I'm gonna jump on your ass and i guarantee I get a little bit of that ass before you be able to beat me off of you. Ohhhh I've been waiting for this for a long time. You've been teasing me, ohh you've been fucking teasing me, oh the teasing is over bitch, when I see you, that ass is mine baby..... I'm gonna get that ass."

and THAT people is what we deal with on a daily basis... America's finest. All that over some French Fry's??? People are certifiably crazy!

Now there are a few interesting things going on here:

1) where do you even get a chicken mask at?

2) hiding in the bushes naked, well sir, thats called indecent exposure and is illegal.

3) the fact that you left YOUR NAME on the voicemail proves you're ignorant, indignant, and just plain retarded

4) did I mention that everything you said you were going to do is just illegal, and now if you even try anything we've got proof it was premeditated... and thus a felony?

Congratulations, you sir are an idiot!

Yo Gano!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Something to think about on this cold morning: "You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter.
Nicholas Sparks"

Hello Monday. My how quickly you came upon me this week. Woke up to the alarm blaring as I was deep in sleep. Although maybe thats a good thing as I dreamed I quit my job and joined the army? It was pretty cool though, I was a special ops renegade raising hell all over the place.

Maybe it is a sign I need a little adventure in my life? Maybe its a sign I've completely lost my marbles? Sadly something tells me the latter is a bit more likely.

Welp, Monday you sure do keep me on my toes. I've got lots to do today, and this week for that matter. Thursday marks the end of Fall Quarter 2010, THANK GOD. No more group projects, papers, and presentations for a whole month. What am I going to do with all of my time... SLEEP and WORKOUT. I can't wait :)

Thursday also marks the 25th bday of my beloved best friend. So sad I cant be there to celebrate with you, but we WILL make up for it in a few weeks. DC, watch out :)

Sending love, hugs, and smiles to all of you lovely blog readers.

Hope you love your (crazy) lives as much as I love mine.

~ T

Sunday, November 28, 2010


So, I’ve been thinking about this whole being happy thing, and I feel like people get lost when they think of happiness as a destination. We’re always thinking that someday we’ll be happy; we’ll get that car or that job or that person in our lives that’ll fix everything. But happiness is a mood, and it’s a condition, not a destination. It’s like being tired or hungry, it’s not permanent. It comes and goes, and that’s okay. And I feel like if people thought of it that way, they’d find happiness more often.

One Tree Hill

Saturday, November 27, 2010

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.♥ 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my lovely blog readers. This is by far my favorite day of the year...

This years Caldwell Family menu includes:
~2 20lb Turkeys
~ Mashed Potatoes
~ Homemade giblet gravy
~ Stuffing
~ Corn Casserole
~ Dennis' Green Beans
~ Deviled Eggs
~ Olives
~ Cranberry Sauce
~ Cranberry Salad
~ Pumpkin Pie
~ Peach Pie
~ Lemon Meringue Pie
~ Wine, Wine, and more Wine

I absolutely love Thanksgiving. Not only does it celebrate this country's past time, but it brings friends and families together to reflect upon the year, to be thankful and grateful for all the wonderful opportunities that we are afforded. Family. Friends. Food. Wine. Laughter. Not much else we need in life. This year I have a lot to be thankful for, and below are some of the many reasons I have to praise God for being so good to me.

1. I have the most wonderful family who is always there for me.
2. Health
3. Happiness
4. Friendships that will last a lifetime.
5. I got to experience the happiest day of my life, celebrating the biggest moment in my best friends life. And it was magical.
6. There are only 37 days left in 2010 (sorry, I'm hoping 2011 will be better to me).
7. The hardest ending turned out to be the best thing thats happened to me in a long time. God surely works in mysterious ways.
8. New friends
9. I am ALMOST done with my MBA (16 classes down, 8 more classes and 6 months to go :) )
10. By the end of the year I will be a home owner, and the house is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.
11. SAC WP DC... Exploring Northern California one meal and one glass of wine at a time. You guys have finally made this city feel like a home for me.
12. The Dream Team... riding the A+ train
13. Kate Gaskins, Delia Perez, Chandara Phanachone .... because "Girls' Nights" just wouldn't be the same without you.
14. Enchanted new beginnings
15. I successfully completed my first marathon (and it won't be my last) in 1:54:71
16. Soccer World FC
17. My Second Family: Mom & Dad 2, Danielle and Mark, and Gma & Gpa - I love you guys!
18. Keeping in touch with best friends
19. Visiting with Doug after 7 years, so good to see your face!
20. Finally getting my car back after 100 days in the shop (thanks GMC).
21. Having the patience to live out all of life's uncertainties and trusting in God's plan.
22. Laughter
23. Adventure
24. Having the strength to embrace the mystery and craziness of my life, learn from it, and most importantly grow from it.

25. My super, awesome, wonderful, crazy, chaotic, successful, vibrant, adventurous, sweet, beautiful life.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Love you lots!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Days Like These

Ain't no cloud up in my sky
I couldn't worry if I tried
I got an open road just air and me
To pick you up and take you for a ride

I got a new shine on my car
Sun is tannin' my left arm
And while I'm waitin' on the red light
I'm burnin' up a little air guitar

Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this song
Come on (boy) the world is ours
Let's do something right or wrong

Life is short
Lets go live it
No time for wasting time
Days like these they go too fast
Yeah, days like these you wanna make them last

Rest your feet up on the dash
Leave your toe prints on the glass
Sing it like you mean it baby
Close your eyes and lay your head on back

Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this song
Come on (boy) the world is ours
Let's do something right or wrong

Life is short
Let's go live it
No time for wasting time
Days like these they go too fast
Yeah, days like these you wanna make them last

Speakers layin' in the truck bed
No this day ain't done yet
'Til the sun goes down

Turn it up a little bit louder
Turn it up I love this song
Come on (boy) the world is ours
Let's do something right or wrong

Life is short
Lets go live it
No time for wasting time
Days like these they go too fast
Yeah, days like these you wanna make them last

Sunday, November 21, 2010


When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

Victor Frankl

Life is not a matter of black and white. At least I think it shouldn't be. There are no thick lines or fine lines of what is right or proper given this situation or that. Life it seems to me is a blank canvas and we are the painters. We have an endless array of bright and vibrant colors at our disposal. We may paint what we wish. If we go astray, white wash the canvas and start again. Add details. Blur the lines. Create the world that is perfect for you; with all things in it just as you wish them to be. You want happiness and light, paint a sun. If you want joy and laughter, create it. Whatever you want, is yours, but it is up to you to create it. No one else can create your life for you, you must do it for yourself. Believe it. See it. Make it.

~ T

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama!

Happy 57th (oops.... I forgot she's all of 39 ) to my beautiful mama.

I'm a day late on the posting, but hey, it's been a crazy week.

She's gonna be mad about most of these pics but I think they reflect her personality the best. My mama, the adventure seeker, my dive buddy, my friend. She has a fearless zest for life and all of its adventures and is the first one to sign up for the next life changing experience. I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful person to look up to in my life. She is always there to support and love myself and my brothers.

So happy birthday mom, you're the best!

I'm sorry I'm a day late but, better late than never!

Love you!

~ T

Monday, November 15, 2010

Devote Yourself

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." -Morrie

It's Monday.... you have a whole week ahead of you to do something meaningful.

Help a family member.
Help a friend.
Help a stranger you've never met before.
Tell someone you love them.
Celebrate those around you.
Make yourself vulnerable.
Work hard.
Have a litte fun (we all need some R&R).
Work out.
Eat healthy.
Love yourself.
Love your life.
And most of all.... be Happy.

<3 T

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Can you see me? All of me? Probably not. No one ever really has."
Jeffrey Eugenides

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I dare you to move

As you’re reading this, your life’s getting shorter.
It’s ticking away.
I’m not saying this to frighten you.
Or even scare you.
Though it may.

I’m saying this to awaken you.
To inspire you.
To rise you out of your deep slumber.
To really know you won’t live forever.
To share your unique gifts.

To ignite your great inner fire.
To ignite your great inner strength.
To ignite your great inner light.
To shine.
Brightly shine.
To awaken your great inner beauty.

To motivate.
Yourself and others.
To love.
Yourself and others.

To paint.
To write.
To teach.
To innovate.
To sing.
To dance.
To care.
To feel.
To listen.
To learn.
To laugh.

The clock’s ticking.
The world needs you.
Make your move.

Mike Litman

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello Monday....

...You sure did sneak up on me! Where did the weekend go? Guess I was too busy loving life and having too much fun to realize how quickly you went by.

Monday, I'm not a big fan of you today, perhaps next week will be better.

For now, I'll just think about my fabulous trip wine tasting yesterday with 10 super AWESOME friends and pretend you aren't here.

That's why God invented Facebook right? 6 hours of work, 7 hours of class, no biggie.

(image: google images)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sometimes all you need is a good dose of SATC to put things in perspective!

"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies." - Sex in the City

Happy Weekend Y'all!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Lakers beat the kings last night....

normally I'd be pretty upset about that, but not today, that one was for you Travis.

I just KNOW you're smiling up there in heaven about this one.

I'll be rooting against you again on April 13th (with a big Kings win)

Miss and Love You,



We made it to the weekend. Almost :)

Everybody Poops

Everybody poops. It's a fact of life. There are childrens books and rhymes and stories out there that teach children not to be afraid or embarrased about it. Everybody poops. I guess at some point every parent has to teach their child about it. I get that. But I guess I just assumed that parents did that in the privacy of their own home.


Last night Philip and I were out to dinner and we were seated in a back room where only one other table had guests. A small family: Mom, Dad, and 3 children. Two of the kids couldn't have been older than 4, the other was a well behaved 6-7 year old. The two youngsters were yelling at the top of their lungs "daddy im poooooooooooooping, im poooooooooping daddy!" At first I laughed, thinking "kids really do say the darndest things," assuming Dad would tell them that was not appropriate to talk about at the dinner table and take them outside to quiet them down. Nope, instead "Dad" starts making faces and noises like he is trying to push out a monster terd. Seriously? I thought it would stop there, but no, then the kids chime in doing the same thing. Then the little starts yelling "I think its a big one" and is throwing up hand guestures to guess how big it actually is. Again I think mom or dad will step in and say that this is not appropriate behavior for the dinner table.

WRONG. This time. They both start explaining to their kids the reality of how big it actually is. And they are showing them the right size with their own hands. I couldnt believe it. Seriously, what parents let their children yell and scream about bodily functions at the dinner table in a public place where people are around EATING!!!

Is this what parenting has come to? I know for a fact if I EVER was eveng screaming at the dinner table my parents would have carted me outside until I quieted down. They would NEVER have let me poop at the dinner table, discuss my poop and its size, and make visible gestures about it that the other diners could see.

Hey mom and dad, thanks for the good parenting. I appreciate it now!

<3 T

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It is easy to get caught up in life and all of its madness that we forget to stop and take the time to tell our loved ones that we love them and that we care. Sure its easy enough to say it, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

There are so many quick and easy ways to let people know that they are important to you and that you value their friendship in your life.

Here are some great examples, and a few of my favorite ways to show those around you how much they mean to you.

1. Notes. Preferably in an unsusual place. But notes are perfect. And always get a smile in return. Just think about it, you go to open your cabinet to grab the coffee cup and BAM right there inside the door is a little sticky note with a "have a great day" or an "I miss you" or a "you make me smile, :)" or a "I love you!" or whatever. It's quick. Its easy. But most of all, its effective. (ok, I know, a bit sappy, but seriously, its super cute.)

2. Home made dinner! Takes a bit more time but really its a great gesture. Anyone can go grab takeout or make reservations at a restaurant. But there is nothing like coming home to a delicious dinner at home with those you love.

3. Hugs. Everyone needs a hug every now and then. Family, friends, significant others. Hugs can make people's days that much brighter. Go give someone a hug. I know I can't get enough of them.

4. Massages! Who doesn't love a good back rub after a hard days work? Its thoughtful, its easy, its free. Perfect.

5. Holding Hands. Does this one really need an explanation? :)

6. Be thoughtful. This one is actually pretty easy. Pay attention. Listen. And find a creative way to say "hey you, you're pretty awesome and I appreciate you."

7. Speak! Sometimes, we just need to hear it.

8. Help out. Lend a hand when someone needs some help, or better yet, do the chores for them before they even have to ask for your help.

9. Listen.

10. Quality time!

By now everyone who is reading this is thinking, hey, she is SUCH a sap. And maybe I am. But it seems to me like the world be such a better place if we all took the time to stop and tell all those pretty awesome wonderful people in our lives that we care about them, we love them, and they are important to us.

Don't you want someone to do all those things for you??

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcoming in November

November. My favorite month of the year. 23 days till Thanksgiving (my favorite day of the year). I'm starting the month off right with a super awesome happy fun week planned.

I'm pretty excited about this week, lots of fun things happening, so I thought I'd share them all with you!

Monday: Giants Win the World Series!!!!!
Tuesday: Indoor soccer game and catching up with Katie Ulan :)
Wednesday: Kings vs. Lakers w/ Philip Alan & hearts
Thursday: 12.5 miles with the lovely Kate GaskinsFriday: Indoor soccer game with the cool kids followed by movie date night & hearts
Saturday: Semi Pro "Friendly" game, Soccer World FC @ Estadio Azteca (5 pm, come watch!!!) Followed by the Scorpions Mens home game.
Sunday: Amador County Wine Tasting Extraveganza with the Dream Team
Yup. That is a fun week. Now with work, school, and 3 papers to write, perhaps I will get some sleep in there sometime. Nahh. NO rest for the wicked.

My life, it is pretty brilliant.

Hope yours is too!

Happy November!