Live. Love. Laugh

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It is easy to get caught up in life and all of its madness that we forget to stop and take the time to tell our loved ones that we love them and that we care. Sure its easy enough to say it, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

There are so many quick and easy ways to let people know that they are important to you and that you value their friendship in your life.

Here are some great examples, and a few of my favorite ways to show those around you how much they mean to you.

1. Notes. Preferably in an unsusual place. But notes are perfect. And always get a smile in return. Just think about it, you go to open your cabinet to grab the coffee cup and BAM right there inside the door is a little sticky note with a "have a great day" or an "I miss you" or a "you make me smile, :)" or a "I love you!" or whatever. It's quick. Its easy. But most of all, its effective. (ok, I know, a bit sappy, but seriously, its super cute.)

2. Home made dinner! Takes a bit more time but really its a great gesture. Anyone can go grab takeout or make reservations at a restaurant. But there is nothing like coming home to a delicious dinner at home with those you love.

3. Hugs. Everyone needs a hug every now and then. Family, friends, significant others. Hugs can make people's days that much brighter. Go give someone a hug. I know I can't get enough of them.

4. Massages! Who doesn't love a good back rub after a hard days work? Its thoughtful, its easy, its free. Perfect.

5. Holding Hands. Does this one really need an explanation? :)

6. Be thoughtful. This one is actually pretty easy. Pay attention. Listen. And find a creative way to say "hey you, you're pretty awesome and I appreciate you."

7. Speak! Sometimes, we just need to hear it.

8. Help out. Lend a hand when someone needs some help, or better yet, do the chores for them before they even have to ask for your help.

9. Listen.

10. Quality time!

By now everyone who is reading this is thinking, hey, she is SUCH a sap. And maybe I am. But it seems to me like the world be such a better place if we all took the time to stop and tell all those pretty awesome wonderful people in our lives that we care about them, we love them, and they are important to us.

Don't you want someone to do all those things for you??

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