Live. Love. Laugh

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Everybody Poops

Everybody poops. It's a fact of life. There are childrens books and rhymes and stories out there that teach children not to be afraid or embarrased about it. Everybody poops. I guess at some point every parent has to teach their child about it. I get that. But I guess I just assumed that parents did that in the privacy of their own home.


Last night Philip and I were out to dinner and we were seated in a back room where only one other table had guests. A small family: Mom, Dad, and 3 children. Two of the kids couldn't have been older than 4, the other was a well behaved 6-7 year old. The two youngsters were yelling at the top of their lungs "daddy im poooooooooooooping, im poooooooooping daddy!" At first I laughed, thinking "kids really do say the darndest things," assuming Dad would tell them that was not appropriate to talk about at the dinner table and take them outside to quiet them down. Nope, instead "Dad" starts making faces and noises like he is trying to push out a monster terd. Seriously? I thought it would stop there, but no, then the kids chime in doing the same thing. Then the little starts yelling "I think its a big one" and is throwing up hand guestures to guess how big it actually is. Again I think mom or dad will step in and say that this is not appropriate behavior for the dinner table.

WRONG. This time. They both start explaining to their kids the reality of how big it actually is. And they are showing them the right size with their own hands. I couldnt believe it. Seriously, what parents let their children yell and scream about bodily functions at the dinner table in a public place where people are around EATING!!!

Is this what parenting has come to? I know for a fact if I EVER was eveng screaming at the dinner table my parents would have carted me outside until I quieted down. They would NEVER have let me poop at the dinner table, discuss my poop and its size, and make visible gestures about it that the other diners could see.

Hey mom and dad, thanks for the good parenting. I appreciate it now!

<3 T

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