Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A day in the life of a fry girl...

In my line of work you experience all sorts of "interesting" people... Friday I happened to meet more than my fair share. Here is the recap of my day.

10 am: lady parks her car in drive thru for 10 minutes because I would not give her whipped cream for free. Had to call security, who then had to call another group of security officers, who then had to start calling the police in order for her to finally move her vehicle. now you may ask, WHY didn't you just give her the free whipped cream... Because she didn't pay for it! And I'm in the business of making money, not just giving everyone anything and everything they want because it's easier. One day its whipped cream, the next its dessert, then a whole mean... and on and on.

11 am: customer comes in and orders 7 meals at front counter, at the same time a car in drive thru orders 9 meals, and another car in drive thru orders 5 meals. the kitchen is bombarded and is catching up as quickly as possible. to expedite the process orders after the gentleman at front counter are given out. this guys proceeds to freak out screaming at the top of his lungs that nobody should receive their food before he gets all of his. how dare we do this to him! he finally gets ugly enough that I have to again call security and have him escorted out. All in all, the guy waited a grand total of 5 minutes for all 7 of his meals. yet he left ranting and raving, cursing and screaming, about his 45 minute wait. exaggerate much?

12:30 pm: a lady at front counter returns her french fries for having "white matter" on them.... it was a clump of salt. when the manager explained to her what it was she starting screaming that there is fur all over her food. again, she is told it is salt. new fries are given to her to calm her down. she returns to her table, sits down, eats 95% of her food, then decides to come back up, throw her tray across the counter and demand a refund... she too was escorted out by security, screaming bloody murder because she doesn't know what salt looks like.

1 pm: a car pulls into the drive thru and tries to "split" an order. the lady is told that it is against our policy to split orders as this slows up the drive thru. she says ok and finishes placing her ONE order. Lady pulls up the the cash window and then tells the cashier to split her order, he informs her he cannot do this as it is against store policy. She pulls forward (without paying) to yell at me for refusing her request. I tell her there is nothing I can do and she can pay for her one order or come inside. She floors it and goes screeching out of the drive thru (I've assumed she just left). A minute later someone comes to front counter yelling "I'm over here I'm over here" I send the FC person to take care of her, and she starts taking her order. We then realize it is the passenger from the car in drive thru so I turn around to tell the kitchen not to make the food, we already have it. I guess this really made the lady mad because then she starts screaming at me how dare I turn my back on her (I thought I was expediting the process b/c her food was already ready?)... just as this is going on, BAM the driver of the car comes RUNNING into the restaurant screaming bloody murder and proceeds to tell me that "she is going to jump over the counter and stab me in the heart with a knife" because I wouldn't let her split her order. I immediately tell her to leave or I will have her arrested.

What a day...

Moral of the story: it's tax refund season and the LOONIES are out in FULL force. Watch out!

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