Live. Love. Laugh

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Raining on Sunday

Here is a picture of Mom and I from last night, having some margaritas and having a great time!

This morning we were early again. Ate breakfast and got moved off the slow boat to china and onto a faster boat. Good thing as the dive site was an hour and 15 minutes out to our first dive sight. The currents are VERY strong here, which they say is why the water is so cold. When I jumped in the water, it was so cold,it literally took my breath away. Mom and I both had contemplated aborting the dive immediately, but we stuck it out since it was such an effort to get to the dive sight. We dove Columbia reef, which turned out to be a great dive. We warmed up a bit while we were down under. Saw several turtles, one that was eating some sponges. It let mom and I watch up close and personal! It was so cool, I was literally less than 6 inches away watching this GIANT turtle eating huge chunks off of a soft coral sponge. We stayed and watched for about 5 minutes. We also saw a giant eagle ray, a huge green morray eel,lobster, crab, shark, etc. etc. We were down for about an hour before we surfaced. It was warmer up top today because we were in a more sheltered type boat versus the catamaran we were on yesterday. We motored back almost all the way to the resort during which the divemasters and boat crew were arguing. Our divemaster
Jesus was great, he wanted to give us a full ride and didn't care that it was Sunday and all the others just wanted to get back so they could go have their Cervesas. The boat captain got even and dropped up at the worst dive site possible. There was NOTHING to see, just a bunch of sand and a few spots of coral. Again, it was breat taking to jump into the water. I didn't warm up until 9 minutes in and then it was only because we had to kick so hard to offset the current. Mom and I were both ready to surface at 30 minutes. You know there is something wrong when mom is ready to call it a dive. We were both freezin our arshes off!!!!! Finally, at 55 minutes, I couldn't get my teeth to stop chattering so I started up. Everyone else followed. Boy was I flat out EXHAUSTED
after that dive. 55 minutes of HARD swimming back against the current. We had planned to come back to the resort and do a shore dive before going to lunch But, the conditions had deteriorated so badly that we couldn't enter the water. Well, we could have jumped off the dive dock, but there was no way in hell that mom could have climbed up the stairs with the waves crashing so violently. So, instead, we rinsed and stowed our gear, took long hot showers, went to lunch and talked to the other couple (our dive buddies) for awhile. We all agreed that was the worst dive we've ever been on and a waste of 55 minutes of our lives and not to mention several degrees of core body temperature! After lunch mom and I snuggled up in my bed and watched a movie. Thank goodness I brought some with
us as the hotel has absolutely NOTHING to do. No TV, no nothing. normally that would be great, I'd lay out and work on my suntan, but with the rain and storming weather that wasn't an option. We just finished dinner. I've been very careful to read over all the menu items so mom and I don't eat anything with nuts in it. Tonight we both ordered the beef kabobs served over cous-cous and
carrots. The dining room was dark and I dove into my rice, not noting the massive amounts of diced walnuts and raisins cooked in the rice. Thankfully I noticed just as mom was going to eat her first bite. She got a clean plate and didn't eat any of the nuts. I was not so fortunate and quickly ate the rest of my dinner and rushed to the room to down some benedryl. Not the best end to the day, but at least I will sleep well tonight, and thank goodness mom didn't them as her reactions are much worse than mine and she forgot her Epi-pin.

We will make 2 dives tomorrow, weather permitting. It is cold, windy, and rainy here. I've wore my sweatsuit the entire time. I couldn't get warm this afternoon so I was huddled under the blankets.

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