Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Do not let your fire go out. Spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not quite, the not yet, the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserve. It is there, it is real and it is possible."

Even in the darkest of times, the loneliest of times, the saddest of times... remember that something beautiful is in store for you. It is out there, believe it, see it, make it.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

customer complaint gone wrong

It's safe to say you just can't please everyone in our business. No matter what you do to try and "make it right" sometimes it just isn't good enough. I have seen and heard more ridiculous customer complaints than I can even begin to tell. This reaction by this customer tops them all. I am trying to figure out how to get it on YouTube (you've just GOT to hear the actual voice to believe it), if anyone knows how, let me know!

For now a transcription of his phone call will have to do.

This customer (affectionately known as Doug) was unsatisfied with his experience at one of our stores. He called the 1-800 line who contacted me and I passed along his information and complaint to the proper people (happens to be my brother). Zack contacts this customer, gives him a free meal and an apology. Well Doug is mad because Zack called his work number to talk to him.... apparently Doug FORGOT he GAVE us that number to reach him at. How else would we have found it? He was not happy about us calling his work number so he called the 1-800 number AGAIN to complain stating that how dare we contact him at work? (well sir, for starters leave a different contact number!) Zack calls again to explain to the customer that he gave us this number and it was the only way to reach him, again apologizes and tries to make it right. Doug is not happy, now we have called twice! (again, I say, LEAVE A DIFFERENT CONTACT NUMBER, seems easy enough right?)....

So Doug and Zack have some phone tag regarding the calling of the work issue and finally Doug leaves this message on the restaurants answering machine: (parental advisory, please pardon the profanity, this is not suitable for children under the age of 18... or anyone for that matter)

" this here's Dougie and I'm just calling to let you know that I'm gonna hide in the bushes outside your house, or I might hide in the bushes outside your job, or i might be hiding in the bushes at the fucking McDonalds. But I'm gonna be hiding in the bushes somewhere. And I'm gonna catch you by yourself and I'm gonna be butt ass naked with a chicken mask on, and I'm gonna jump on your ass and i guarantee I get a little bit of that ass before you be able to beat me off of you. Ohhhh I've been waiting for this for a long time. You've been teasing me, ohh you've been fucking teasing me, oh the teasing is over bitch, when I see you, that ass is mine baby..... I'm gonna get that ass."

and THAT people is what we deal with on a daily basis... America's finest. All that over some French Fry's??? People are certifiably crazy!

Now there are a few interesting things going on here:
1) where do you even get a chicken mask at?
2) hiding in the bushes naked, well sir, thats called indecent exposure and is illegal.
3) the fact that you left YOUR NAME on the voicemail proves you're ignorant, indignant, and just plain retarded
4) did I mention that everything you said you were going to do is just illegal, and now if you even try anything we've got proof it was premeditated... and thus a felony?

Congratulations, you sir are an idiot!

Yo Gano!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

For all my girls out there...

This one goes out to all my girls, it seems like we've been having these conversations a lot lately.

Men suck sometimes, ok a LOT of times... they don't know what they want, they think they do but at the end of the day they are "confused" or "uncertain" or "want more time." Ladies... GET IT TOGETHER. I love you all so much but why do we continue to make so many excuses for them? Love just really isn't that difficult, I say it all the time - either you're in, or you're out. It is that simple. Either you want to be with someone or you don't. It doesn't take months and months to figure out if you want to to be with someone or not. So when they keep putting it off, really they already know what they want (or should I say dont want), they just aren't willing to step up and say it. Do you really want to be with someone who has to DECIDE if they want to love you back? NO! You're beautiful, and smart, and caring, and amazing... if he can't see that, girl he isn't worth your time. I know, it's tough, you like him and of course you want him to like you back but the harsh reality of life is, you just can't make someone love you back. And the longer you try the more you get attached and the harder it is to accept reality 6 months or a year or god forbid 2 years down the road when you aren't getting what you want out of the relationship. We can't change people, no matter how hard we try, they have to change themselves. So please! Have some patience and some self respect... be patient... wait for the one who will look at you and KNOW he wants to give his heart to you. Wait for the one who thinks you are absolutely perfect hair a mess, in your sweats, no makeup on. Wait for the one who'll be your best friend and love you for you. You deserve that. Why settle for anything less?

Now I know I just wrote this for my girls, but for my guy friends I've had this SAME conversation with lately... this applies to you too! Read it and believe it. We are special people and we deserve someone who will appreicate us and love us for all that we are.

Don't ever forget that.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

things not to say in an interview

McDonald's Corporation comes up with the best ideas sometimes, I mean really, the people in corporate are so smart and have such a sense of reality of what day-to-day operations entail. (I hope you are sensing some sarcasm).

This week marked National Hiring to Win Day. Corporate advertised heavily, there were newspaper ads, radio ads, merchandising displays in the store, fliers, and some genius even decided to go on Fox News and proclaim that all employees working over 20 hours qualified for full benefits. You've got to be kidding me!

Tuesday was one hell of a day. 7 stores... over 1000 interviews conducted. It was absolute madness. I was in charge of the execution at Florin Rd since the Store Manager was out on vacation. Over 300 people applied online in the 8 days leading up to Hiring Day. I had a plan (quickly browse person's application online, ask a few questions, make assessment)... it flew out the window immediately. Interviews were scheduled between 1-3 and I was expecting maybe 50 people. Over 200 came, half of them were lining up at 11 am. Some people started waiting at 8 am. By 12:30 there was standing room only in the entire store (including playland), I'd called in the troops to help with the interviews as clearly there was NO WAY I could do all those by myself. Mom and Dad even joined in on the fun after driving by and seeing a MASS of bodies across the store. I interviewed for 4 hours straight until I had to leave to go to class, the things I heard, you wouldn't believe, so I am recounting as many as I can remember here...

Round TWO was today as we had to conduct second round interviews for all the candidates we passed from the first interview across the company. Today was MUCH more organized and we managed to narrow down the field even more. Planning all the orientations and training is going to be an absolute fiasco as the stores are not able to handle training on that kind of scale (most stores hired 12+ people).... thank goodness I am going out of state next week :)

Here are a few of my favorite answers to my interview questions:

1. Q: What do you think will be the most difficult thing about working for McDonalds?
A: Getting to work on time.

2. Q:How would you hand a situation where a customer was angry or upset?
A: I don't know, I guess I wouldn't say F*** You.

3. Q: Can you tell me about your previous job experience?
A: Working under the table.

4. Q: What is your availability?
A: I'm cute.

5. Q: what is your previous job experience?
A: Well I done did McDicks 100 years ago.

6. Q: What is your availability?
A: I want to work, I like to touch things with my hands.

7. Q: I am conducting a lot of interviews today, why should I hire you over my other candidates?
A: I won't bring the flies.

8. Q: I am conducting a lot of interviews today, why should I hire you over my other candidates?
A (candidate is hideously ugly and smells): I am a good looking guy and I'll bring the money, people will come just to see me, and when they see me they will hang around to keep seeing me, and when they hang around then they buy stuff, so basically you hire me to put money in your pocket.

9. going on a 25 minute rant about the Mormon church, your LONG stint with drugs and drug rehab, your time as an escort, and give me your complete family background including jobs and children.

10. have repulsively bad breath and body odor.

11. wait until the interview is over to give me your resume... that might have been helpful DURING the interviewa

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

at the end of the day...

At the end of the day Did I laugh and dance enough? Did I tell my friends how much they really mean to me? At the end of the day Did I really push myself?

Or was I too afraid To give my heart away.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We will all face adversity in the future... we just do not know when. When confronted with adversity, we must decide for ourselves if the effort which would be needed to overcome the adversity is worth it or not. This decision could be as big as ending a career or as small as doing our next assignment. Everyday we make decisions that affect our future. We will either make the effort or not. The choice is up to us.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

road to the top...

"Its so simple that its revolutionary. The fact is,this formula or principle is misunderstood enough, or overlooked enough,that it can truly be called magic by those who understand it. Ready? Here it is. You beat 50% of the people in America by working hard. You beat another 40% by being a person of honesty & integrity & standing for something. The last 10% is a dogfight in the free enterprise system." - Art Williams.

We believe that you can go where you want to go, do what you want to do, be what you want to be and have what you want to have if you plan and work for it. You do not have to accept life the way it comes to you' you can design it to come to you the way you want it. The front plate serves as a positive reminder to what they wish to accomplish, to provide motivation, direction and meaningful purpose to their daily activities.

7 years

.... it's been 7 years since I've seen your sweet face.

Funny how when you're really good friends with someone you can go years without seeing someone, and then when you finally do it is like a day hasn't passed. One of my longest and closest friends, it was SO SO SO good to see you again. Thank you for the good chats, thank you for the friendship, thank you for the laughs, thank you for the smiles, thank you for being there when I really need you... thank you for being you. I know we may not always talk but I also know that you're ALWAYs there when I really need you. A true friend, and always will be.


Monday, August 9, 2010


Today's post is in remembrance of the life of a wonderful man who left this world one year ago today. The father of a youthful friend, he was a shining soul here on earth and he is shining even brighter down on us in Heaven. I wish I knew him better, for the legacy he has left, the strength his children display daily, the stories and memories that flourish all around his family and friends, continually remind everyone who knew him how amazing he was. My favorite memory of him was from a soccer tournament when we were younger. The girls all had pizza delivered, but the parents, they partied... an unforgettable crab boil, plenty of drinks, lots of smiles, laughs, and stories told. I was new to the team but him and his family always welcomed me and my family into the group. He really was a wonderful soul, full of LIFE, and hope, and laughter, but most of all love. To his family and friends, we can't take away the sorrow of him being gone, but we can relish each and every memory that we hold deep in our hearts. Keep on living, keep on dreaming, and he'll keep shining down on you....


Friday, August 6, 2010

Sweet Love

To my beautiful and sweet parents....


33 years and so many more to go.

Thank you for being such a shining example of what true love really is. Friendship. Compassion. Sincerity. Hope. Light. True. Strong. You've set such a wonderful for my brothers and I.... Never settle for anything less than perfect, our soul mates are out there somewhere waiting to grab our hands and run with us forever. Love is all around us. In the brush of a hand across our cheek, in the squeeze of a hand, in the glimmer in eye, and in the flash of a smile. I can only hope one day i am lucky enough to find the love you have in each other... A best friend, a shoulder to lean on, a soul mate, the puzzle piece to your being.

The love you have for one another and for our family is so appreciated by all.

I love you!



Thursday, August 5, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Prof. Jouganatos

Patrón Silver is called young or "joven" tequila. A similarity may be made to a young or nouvelle wine. It is known for its lite, fresh, crystal clear look and an elegant smoothness not found in other silver tequilas. Many prefer this smooth soft and lite tequila over an aged and slightly oaky flavor. Those that know the difference may find Patrón Silver the finest silver tequila available. It is perfect for blending, with high quality mixer or may easily be sipped as is recommended with Patrón Anejo and Patrón Reposado.

oh sweet goodness... you make Jouganatos "Forecasting and Managerial Research Methods 2" that much more tolerable...

For those who are wondering... why is this a necessity during class... here are a few quotes from tonight's lecture... ONE NIGHT. For the record this list was compiled on only 90 minutes of lecture.

"I grew up on typewriters not word processors, and that wasnt that long ago... I heard those comments"

"Before cell phones what did we do, we yell out the window and hope they hear us."

"I'm getting myself back"

"Well while this fires up let me tell you some observations, you know Seinfeldesque observations"

"did you vibrate this?"

"People on other planets they are wondering about us, now what are they wondering about? Who is in charge? The dogs or the humans? Because who is picking up whose poop? Whats all this political correctness about, I live near a park but i see it on the street. I think we might be due for an invasion. These people are lower than dogs!"

"Heres what you do if you love dogs and I love dogs, you get a small one.. I used to have a 4.5 pound toy poodle, dont worry if it goes on your neighbors lawn it disintegrates in a day or two."

"Your name is Cameron, isn't it... way to be a joy kill?"

Class (what problem is this): "Oh, I dont know... what page is this on, oh i don't know. oh here we go. blue book and all of that"

"its a rough life for a farmer if you leave for a few days you have to take care of things in advance."

"dont worry i dont get offended if you dont get it"

this will allow you to reject the hypothesis... which is what life is all about... rejection"

"perhaps those of you who are not having fun with this material should look up the T, nevermind I'll do it by the time you do it, I'll be gone."


"T-inverse? Oh i see that you ARE having fun. You are supposed to."

"Well like I said, this is the first time I've used Excel for Data Analysis, so its been quite a thrill..."

"OK... now lets continue to have fun, lets interpret!"

"before we leave this we will ask someone to join us in spelling out... OH wait a minute, the F test!"

AND on that note... I'm going to eat some more chocolate and locate flasks for next week.


There are MANY things in life that will catch your eye, but only a FEW will catch your heart..... pursue those.



Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heartache Of Defeat

Let's face it... I'm a sore loser. Probably not my most admirable quality. But you know what, I'm OK with that. I hate losing. More than anything. For those that don't know me... I require at least a 20 min "cooling off" period after a tough loss. Don't talk to me. Let me be and after some time (depends on the importance of the match and other circumstances) I'll come back around. The agony of defeat, arguably one of the worst feelings there is. All the hard work, the sweat, the tears, the hours of wind sprints, the "chalk talks", the motivational speeches, extra practices, early morning runs, late night runs, the dedication, the pride, the passion... all that sacrifice. Hell NO I don't want to lose nor do I like it, nor will I ever. I remember the pain of those losses more than the elation of great victories. It's the driving force for future battles, its the reason to wake up that much earlier, to run that much faster, to try that much harder...

Despite an outcome we didn't want at nationals (we didn't bring home the hardware), I am pleased with the trip for it was a victory on other levels. The team really bonded and came together. In the face of adversity we dug in our heels and tried harder. Short players, not well adjusted to the altitude, injuries, terrible refing... adversity was all around us, yet we held our heads high and we tried that much harder. No we did not win, but in our first season with Soccer World we established ourselves, we set the precedence for greatness in the seasons to come. We absolutely tried our hardest and in the end lay exhausted, all energy spent. I am so proud of my teammates for the hard work that they put in preparing for nationals and the effort they displayed in the games. No one had to say, work harder, run faster, play better. We maximized our potential to the best of our abilities, but the ball didn't hit the back of the net, and many calls didn't go our way. That's sports. The best team doesn't always win. It keeps it interesting. Yes it was heartbreaking, especially given the massive effort from the owners, to the coaching staff, to the players to make it to Denver. But I think we should all hold our heads high.

Preparation for Nationals 2011... it starts today.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

little moments

18 hours, 1,132 miles, too many rest stops, ipod shuffle, karaoke, beautiful landscapes... what an adventure. The drive from Elk Grove to Fort Collins, CO started off Thursday at 1pm, we loaded up the 12 passenger van and hit the road. Our first stop, Loveland NV... a town with one stop light, the sheriff drives a mini van and I am fairly certain the fire dept had a tractor? We got in, and out, as fast as possible. For dinner we stopped in Wendover, not much there either. We made it to Salt Lake City Friday at 1 am, slept for a few hours in comfortable beds, and tried to stretch our legs. At 10 am we met up with the other car and headed out for the final leg to Fort Collins. Friday's scenery was far superior to that of Thursdays... sorry Nevada/Utah its just hot and ugly there. I am fairly certain we had to stop at every "major" city because the 18 people on the trip just couldn't coordinate pee schedules! It was a long road but we made it, pulling into our hotel in Windsor, CO at 8 pm. The girls went for a light stretch-out-the-legs jog and then we headed out to a team dinner. The highlight of which was an AMAZING smores dessert where we made them over a tiny fire! It was incredible.

You know, you learn a lot about people when you're cooped up in tight quarters for such a long amount of time. I was worried about the trip, what if we got on each others nerves? What if it was boring? Well, believe it or not we actually had a fairly good time. There was LOTS of singing and laughing, stories being told, lots of sleeping (well not for me... I drove 800 of the miles - thats a lot!), and far too much eating. Nothing like snacking on a long road trip.

These are a few of my pictures from the trip! Lots of memories and little moments were made... but more importantly new friendships were forged. This team really is special, we've created a bond rather quickly, we get along, and most of all we are there for each other. So girls, thank you for a wonderful trip!