Live. Love. Laugh

Sunday, August 22, 2010

For all my girls out there...

This one goes out to all my girls, it seems like we've been having these conversations a lot lately.

Men suck sometimes, ok a LOT of times... they don't know what they want, they think they do but at the end of the day they are "confused" or "uncertain" or "want more time." Ladies... GET IT TOGETHER. I love you all so much but why do we continue to make so many excuses for them? Love just really isn't that difficult, I say it all the time - either you're in, or you're out. It is that simple. Either you want to be with someone or you don't. It doesn't take months and months to figure out if you want to to be with someone or not. So when they keep putting it off, really they already know what they want (or should I say dont want), they just aren't willing to step up and say it. Do you really want to be with someone who has to DECIDE if they want to love you back? NO! You're beautiful, and smart, and caring, and amazing... if he can't see that, girl he isn't worth your time. I know, it's tough, you like him and of course you want him to like you back but the harsh reality of life is, you just can't make someone love you back. And the longer you try the more you get attached and the harder it is to accept reality 6 months or a year or god forbid 2 years down the road when you aren't getting what you want out of the relationship. We can't change people, no matter how hard we try, they have to change themselves. So please! Have some patience and some self respect... be patient... wait for the one who will look at you and KNOW he wants to give his heart to you. Wait for the one who thinks you are absolutely perfect hair a mess, in your sweats, no makeup on. Wait for the one who'll be your best friend and love you for you. You deserve that. Why settle for anything less?

Now I know I just wrote this for my girls, but for my guy friends I've had this SAME conversation with lately... this applies to you too! Read it and believe it. We are special people and we deserve someone who will appreicate us and love us for all that we are.

Don't ever forget that.


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