Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heartache Of Defeat

Let's face it... I'm a sore loser. Probably not my most admirable quality. But you know what, I'm OK with that. I hate losing. More than anything. For those that don't know me... I require at least a 20 min "cooling off" period after a tough loss. Don't talk to me. Let me be and after some time (depends on the importance of the match and other circumstances) I'll come back around. The agony of defeat, arguably one of the worst feelings there is. All the hard work, the sweat, the tears, the hours of wind sprints, the "chalk talks", the motivational speeches, extra practices, early morning runs, late night runs, the dedication, the pride, the passion... all that sacrifice. Hell NO I don't want to lose nor do I like it, nor will I ever. I remember the pain of those losses more than the elation of great victories. It's the driving force for future battles, its the reason to wake up that much earlier, to run that much faster, to try that much harder...

Despite an outcome we didn't want at nationals (we didn't bring home the hardware), I am pleased with the trip for it was a victory on other levels. The team really bonded and came together. In the face of adversity we dug in our heels and tried harder. Short players, not well adjusted to the altitude, injuries, terrible refing... adversity was all around us, yet we held our heads high and we tried that much harder. No we did not win, but in our first season with Soccer World we established ourselves, we set the precedence for greatness in the seasons to come. We absolutely tried our hardest and in the end lay exhausted, all energy spent. I am so proud of my teammates for the hard work that they put in preparing for nationals and the effort they displayed in the games. No one had to say, work harder, run faster, play better. We maximized our potential to the best of our abilities, but the ball didn't hit the back of the net, and many calls didn't go our way. That's sports. The best team doesn't always win. It keeps it interesting. Yes it was heartbreaking, especially given the massive effort from the owners, to the coaching staff, to the players to make it to Denver. But I think we should all hold our heads high.

Preparation for Nationals 2011... it starts today.

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