Live. Love. Laugh

Saturday, March 6, 2010

crash into me...

It never fails, when something happens that you least expect, you think surely, it CAN'T happen again, right? WRONG!

You've seen the pictures of Friday's drive thru disaster from last week. This week on Wednesday it happened again! Only this time, a lady decided to drive her UHAUL through the drive thru, problem is, its just a bit too tall to fit... so what happens, CRASH there goes a chunk of my roof. As if her crashing into the roof wasn't enough, she then is literally such a bad driver that she cannot back out, and proceeds to continue to drive through. Her son gets out of the truck to help navigate her out and then she RUNS OVER his foot. Finally she makes it out of the drive thru, with a lovely dent across the whole top of the truck from where it was hitting the roof.

Now I know what you're thinking, same thing I was... You've GOT to be KIDDING me! NOPE! You know I've been in a hurry before, frankly, I'm in a hurry a lot, but I'm pretty sure no matter how big of a rush I was in I'd be smart enough realize "this probably isn't a good idea."

So the brilliant lady crashes into the building and when I go outside to take pictures and get all her insurance information she tells me "can we hurry this up because I've got to turn the truck in." I said lady you just ran into my building, this is going to take a while, you might want to park and come inside! I asked for her insurance, rental agreement, and drivers license... what do you know! She had NO INSURANCE and even worse NO DRIVERS LICENSE. I had no choice but to call the police to have a report filled out. When I spoke with the dispatcher she couldn't believe it, she actually started laughing when I told her my problem, she said "what do you mean she drove her uhaul into your building..." I said mam I meant exactly what I said, she drove her uhaul into my building, doesn't have insurance, or a drivers license! The dispatcher told me she'd get me a uniform ASAP. I'm thinking to myself, alright this is what my tax dollars go towards, something useful! Right? WRONG! The cop comes in and looks over her information for 2 minutes and then tells me there is nothing he can do because it happened on private property and is a civil matter. That is absolutely crazy. The lady was driving without a license! Moreover, she had done this TWICE before and should have been arrested. Without even looking into her name, record, and other information he gives her a quick 2 minute lecture and lets her go. She blatantly lied to him when she said the truck wasn't hers... her name and ID number were the only ones listed on the rental agreement. Turns out Uhaul made a big mistake and allowed her "ID Card" number to be her drivers license number (when I spoke to their insurance rep later on, she couldn't believe that mistake). I just really want to know this... why in the world would he let her go KNOWING she was driving without a license. Thank goodness it was only my building and not a person she ran into!

1 comment:

Ryan Parini said...

And you thought you kids could handle golf carts? I feel the need to say no more- LOL