Live. Love. Laugh

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Helloooooo 2011 I have been waiting for you! A new year, a new start, new goals and resolutions, and a new me! I have a lot to look forward to this year, I'm going to make some pretty big things happen! And lets face it, while there were a few high moments, 2010, you SUCKED!

Ok Ok first things first, yes 2010 wasn't terrible, and yes I am extremely grateful for all the fortunes and blessings bestowed upon me. yes there were a few highs although some unbelievably low moments in my life. Can't help but have my eyes fixed toward 2011... A year of a paradigm shift. A year where I put myself and my needs first. A year fixed on the happiness and pleasures of my life. A year focused on the little moments that drive that happiness, not the milestones, to do lists, and grandeous accomplishments that have fueled it in the past. If there's one thing 2010 has taught me it's that yes I have the Job and the house and the education, but all that is relative. True success and true happiness comes from loving yourself and your life in all the little moments.... It's evenings spent with friends over the dinner table and bottles of wine, it's the sunday morning lovers stroll hand in hand, it's the satisfaction of of doing absolutley nothing because you deserve a break.

La Dulce Far Niente. The sweetness of doing nothing.

To 2011.... It's MY year. I think I've worked hard enough and earned the right to be hopeful for a year where I can begin to form the puzzle pieces of my life the way I want them to be. That doesn't mean I'm not grateful for where I am today and the life path bestowed to me... It's just means I've recognized my true happiness needs a bit more cultivation than where I'm at now.

Now to the good stuff, the Paradigm Shift. My good friend and mentor JK is a brilliant and powerful businessman. We often talk business, relationships, and life. We've both had our fair share of personal "beatings" (both literal and figuratively) this year. A few months ago he discussed the idea of a paradigm shift and defined it as such:

PARADIGM SHIFT DEFINED (Georgetown): The term "paradigm shift" has found uses in other contexts, representing the notion of a major change in a certain thought-pattern — a radical change in personal beliefs, complex systems or organizations, replacing the former way of thinking or organizing with a radically different way of thinking or organizing.

In early December I decided to take the plunge and the formulation of the paradigm shift began. I spent the month doing some introspection, searching deep inside my heart and soul, and putting the pieces into place for this great year. For those of you wondering why I did not blog this past month, it was purposeful. I have waited for today to unveil this change, I found it fitting to do it this way.

2011 the year of the paradigm shift. Yes I have my resolutions which aren't really all that different than they normally are: maintain a health/fitness lifestyle, finish my mba, make my house my home, complete a 48 hour retreat, run a marathon, complete a fitness competition (this may get pushed to 2012), spend more time with my family, travel the world... ok you get the point.

the real change is something inside of me. its my way of defining and perceiving the world and my role in it. its the way i define and perceive my happiness in life. its the way i define my expectations of life, love, friendships, and everything in between. its spending time on the important things in life, not just checking things off my to do lists. yes i'll still have the lists and goals and crazy dreams i'll chase (part of that is inherent in my character), but priorities are being re-arranged. when you learn the hard way about the importance you place on some things you learn painfully and quickly what is really important in life: family, love, happiness, and faith.... everything else is relative.

so here's to 2011, I am so glad you're here! I am so excited for the new beginnings, new possibilities, the excitement, and adventure that I know you'll bring. I have so much planned for you, but not so much that we can't get it all done! This is the year for ME and big things are going to happen, watch out, lightning may strike :)

Happy 2011 everyone, I hope this year brings all that you wish of it, but most importantly I hope 2011 brings you LIFE, LOVE, LAUGHTER, and HAPPINESS.


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