Live. Love. Laugh

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paradigm Shift: The Prequil

There comes a point in many people's lives when they can no longer deny the fact that something is missing, something is broken, or there has to be something more. Many of us experience this, the little voice in the back of our head. The negativity, condescending, frustrated part of our soul screaming at us. It's the stuff that keeps us up at night. Most people, like me, ignore it. We occupy our time with more tasks, we sign up for more extra-curriculars, we do anything and everything to avoid that sinking feeling (there has to be something more) because acknowledging that will force us to acknowledge the fact that something is not right. It's not necessarily the fear that change must occur that keeps us from accepting the fact that our souls are thirsty... it's the knowledge that this kind of deep routed, dramatic, shift in ideals/perspectives/outlooks will not come easy. Put simply, a paradigm shift is difficult. You don't just wake up one day and say "my life was this, and today it is exponentially different." It takes work, commitment, and accountability. Transforming the way you view the world is deliberate and time consuming. So how do we do it? Well we start with a lot of introspection. You have to be honest with yourself, look deep inside your heart and answer a few questions: who am I? what do I want? what do I value? and what do I need?... It starts with a personal retreat where you allow yourself the time to clear your mind and define what it is you want in life. And then, once you've realized who you are and what you want, then you begin formulating the plan for putting all those pieces into place.

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