Live. Love. Laugh

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Is Supposed To Be Amazing...

Life is supposed to be amazing. It is supposed to be happy. It is supposed to be loving. It is supposed to be wonderful. Life is not supposed to be gloomy, depressing, chaotic, dangerous, malicious, or heartbreaking. So why then are most of us plagued by precariously un-amazing lives? Do we make them that way? Probably. We have all heard the term life is what you make of it. Life is about choice, perspective, and attitude. If you want an amazing life, make it that way. Yes we all encounter bumps and road blocks along our quest for the perfect life but the real testiment is how we choose to react to them. Do we learn from them, move along, put a smile on our face and continue to relish in the blessed life we have. Or do we allow all these trials to deflate our souls. The heart and soul of an amazing life is within all of us, it is just up to us to let it shine bright and free.

The choice is yours, what are you going to do with it?

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