Live. Love. Laugh

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Third Place

There's this place that I go, its not home, its not the office, its my place... you spot. According to sociologist Ray Oldenburg third places are informal public gathering spots where people can feel at home. They are core settings of informal public life and have been likened to the Greek agora and the Roman Forum. We all have one of these places, our third place. Each of us has our own. For many its a local coffee shop where one goes, is greeted by name and the customized beverage of choice is waiting, silent swirls of steam, comfy leather couches, and wafting aromas entice you stay awhile.

When I was younger my place was the soccer field. It was my passion, my glory, my comfort, and my home away from home. There were many days after practice when I'd walk out into the middle of the field lay back, rest my head against my ball and think about the world. As I've grown up my place has evolved just as I have. My place, now, isn't the coffee shop. It's not the local restaurant. It's not the pub just around the corner. My place quite frankly is out of the way. I drive 20 minutes out of my way to get there and I'm just fine with that because, well, its my place! My third place is quite fitting for the life of a FITgirl. It's the gym (Downtown Sac 24!!), and not just because of the amount of time I spend there. In fact the amount of time spent there really has nothing to do with it at all. Its the feeling I get when I arrive, am greeted with a warm, welcoming, smile and occasionally a high five. It's where I go when I need a smile. It's where I go when I need to curse the world and crank up that tredmill a few notches higher. It's part of my daily routine and when for some reason I can't make it, something in my life just doesn't feel quite right. The stars become misaligned, my world is thrown into chaos and confusion.

Some might say that DSac 24 can't be a third place as it does not meet the traditional criteria of one. While the gym certainly is not a traditional third place environment being that it lacks the physicality of a "home"... there are no couches, chairs, or lounging places... it seems as if the culture cultivated at this particular establishment has allowed it to become one anyways. It's not just the friendly staff that make it my place, its the regulars too. We see the familiar faces, we know each others routines, and we pause to take a break in between sets to ask about each others lives. There's a reason I drive out of my way and past two other gyms (of the same brand)... DSac, for me, has the right combination of people and atmosphere to make it come alive. From a business standpoint this is the epitomy of success... how do we maintain revenues? We start by offering outstanding service in a hospitable environment. How do we do that? How do we continue to grow cash flows and at the same time remain small enough to be able to offer an authentic, welcoming environment for our customers. I'd say it all starts with the people. You begin with an effective leader, one who can select the right candidates and train these employees to give the customer a humanized experience. Together that team cultivates a culture where customers are valued, hard work is appreciated, and teamwork is the foundation for success. Authentically maintain those standards and you have the makings for a third place.

So now I ask you... Where do you go? What's your place? I hope you have one, you should!

And hey, to all who work so hard to make my place everything that it is, here's a great big thank you. Sometimes, when we don't even realize it, the smallest gestures have the most profound influences on other peoples lives.



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