Live. Love. Laugh

Thursday, January 27, 2011

This will tug on your heartstrings.

A friend shared a link to this American Idol audition. Now first off let me say for those of you that will immediately dismiss this post and link because it has anything to do with AI, DONT. I didn't post the link or write this blog because of some singing show. I wrote it because I was lost for words at the story that is told. Now take 5 minutes, watch, and learn. Click HERE

Marriage is a sacred thing. It is a commitment to love someone unconditionally for the rest of your life. In sickness and health. In good times and bad. Till death do you part. I believe that too many people in today's world take this for granted. When times get tough we walk away, unwilling to stay and put forth the effort and hard work that will push you through the bad times. Society has created an evil outlet, divorce. It is an escape route and excuse.

What I love so much about this brief story is the expression of unfailing and undying love and devotion the man has for the woman. He could easily have left her, most people wouldn't fault him for it. But he chose to stay. He hadn't made the vows, yet, but in his heart of hearts he recognized that when he made that promise to marry her, the vows, the commitment, it had already begun. And he didn't just stay for any sense of obligation, he did it out of love. He did it because deep down he'd found his soulmate, and regardless of whether she would ever walk, talk, or be healed, he was going to be hers forever. He made a promise and he stuck to it, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.

Now that is love.

One day, I hope I am lucky enough to find a man who will love me like that....


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