Live. Love. Laugh

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Paradigm Shift Part One

This post will not be eloquent. Usually I take some time trying to formulate my thoughts in a well versed way. Sometimes you just have to get down and dirty and get straight to the point!

One of my first actions of the new year and the new me begins with a purging of all the garbage in my life. I like to say this actually started two weeks ago when body told me ENOUGH. I was laid up in bed for 10 days unable to move or do anything as I felt as if I was on my death bed. During this time I realized the necessity to ramp up some of the components of my paradigm shift. I can no longer try to do everything and be everything for everybody, especially for those who won't do the same in return for me. I began my first "purge" of the people that don't have a place in my life. This one was easy, I simply went to my Facebook account and if I had no idea who you were, ADIOS you were gone. Merely ridding those I actually don't know is not enough. One thing I realized in 2010 is that I don't have time in my life for people who don't have time for me. I will no longer maintain friendships with people who want to be there for me when it is convenient for them. I will no longer maintain friendships with people who have to fill their lives with drama in order to feel important, I don't have time for that, nor do I appreciate it. I will no longer maintain friendships with people who are just too busy to make me an important part of their life. Friendships and romance are about quality, not about quantity. If you want me to be a part of your life, you better show it. I have a lot of love to give to all my friends, and I make a point and an effort to tell those people I value them. There is no such thing as convenient friendships for me. Along those lines, I will no longer waste my time on people who have to "decide" if they want to be with me or want me to be a part of their life. That is just garbage!

Now for most of you reading this, you probably have nothing to worry about. In fact you will be thinking, ITS ABOUT TIME Tara... but for the handful of you who read this and think "omg did I make the cut?" maybe you should do some introspection about the value you place on your friendships. Do you make your friends a priority? Or is your life so self centered that you only have time for you? Think about it. At some point in our lives our friendship pools start getting smaller. We develop a few high quality relationships with friends and they become part of our family. Keep these people close, they are the ones that will always be there for you, they are your second family. As we grow older and our free time becomes less and less, why waste that on people who when the going gets tough are too busy to lend a hand to you. Why waste it on people who are always looking for something better to come around and use you as their last resort. I'm sorry maybe it sounds rude but sorry, if this is you, I no longer have time for you.

The purge, its in effect and an on-going process... don't let this be you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


John Kercheval